

All parents and staff are automatically members of the Friends of Tedburn St Mary School or FOTSMS. We are just like a PTA, except we have a different name, and are run by a committee of parents with help at events from parents. Our purpose is to fundraise and organise events for the benefit of the children at the school. We do this in liaison with staff and the school council.

Over the years we have funded several sets of books for Key Stages 1 and 2, contributed towards the cost of school trips, paid for theatre groups to come into school or theatre trips, purchased and organised the erection of the playground equipment shed and greenhouse, purchased the PA system and desks and chairs.

Over the last year we have created a sensory garden for the school which is regularly being used by the children for outdoor lessons and activities.

We organise events such as the Summer and Christmas Fairs, Halloween Disco and Easter Egg Hunt. We also put on teas and coffees at school shows.

All parents are welcome to come along to our meetings which are advertised in the school newsletter and here on the FOTSMS page of the school website. We appreciate offers of help, however limited your time. Please chat to one of the committee if you have any ideas or questions, or ask in the office.
Next meeting 

The committee members are:
Chair: Carolyn Jordan
Vice chair:

If you use Facebook please join our Facebook page "F.O.T.S.M.S and T.S.M Parents" which is for all parents at the school. This is a private (Secret) group page for any parents of TSM SCHOOL children & FOTSMS MEMBERS to use as a way of keeping in touch with school events / FOTSMS events, what's on at school, reminders of things happening ie "Don't Forget's" "lost & found" "SCHOOL GARDEN PROJECT UPDATES & PLEAS FOR HELP", TORCH CLUB, Social event ideas & generally any information that needs to be shared in a hurry - bad weather info etc! We can all add whatever we like - within reason! Contact Jane Sorrell via Facebook to join.

Please contact the school directly should you have any queries regarding school.
FOTSMS held the first Big Breakfast at the Village Hall.
A big Thank you to everyone who organised the event and to everyone who came along to support.