
Five Star Pledge

Five Star Pledge

Our 5 Star Pledge
We strive for every child to feel success and be motivated individuals who endeavour to do exceptional things. We believe that a broad, balanced, creative curriculum will enable children to flourish. With this in mind, we pledge five core opportunities that every child will experience during their time at Tedburn St Mary Primary School and Nursery.
During their time in our school, children will be offered the opportunity to:
To perform publicly, taking leading roles, using the medium of song, dance and drama.
To take part in half termly World Explorer days, exploring countries all continents of the world, looking at their different cultures, religions, geography and exploring the lives of others.
To have learn outdoors – all children to have opportunity to take part in Forest Schools and cook on an open fire.
To work closely and collaboratively with all age groups in special colour groups afternoons or activities.
To represent the school at a sporting event with other schools within our academy.
We believe that a broad, balanced, creative curriculum will enable children to flourish.
With this in mind we have implemented a programme of enriching activities, visits and memorable experiences which underpin our five star core offer.